


We rely on donations and advertising to enable us to release documentation and source for free. We also try to reward our developers when we can through Open Science prizes. You can help us towards our objectives by donating to our work.

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For sponsors wanting to advertise through this site or for large donations we recommend that they contact Dr Mark Tarver through the contacts page.


The support page for Shen/tk - a type secure platform portable interface to TCL/tk.


The support page for the text Programming the Logic Lab now includes readable online access to the book.


The support page for the text Logic, Proof and Computation is established.


THORN Theorem prover derived from HORN clause logic is available.


Shen Education Channel starts on Youtube.


Yggdrasil project launched - the grand unification of programming languages.


Want to advertise on this site? Go to the contacts page.

Built by Shen Technology (c) Mark Tarver, September 2021