Shen in 15 Minutes
The Shen top level is a read-evaluate-print loop as in all functional languages.
When you start it up, you get something this (depending on release and platform).
Shen, copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mark Tarver, Shen 32
running under Common Lisp, implementation: SBCL
port 1.9 ported by Mark Tarver
(0-) |
Unlike Lisp the quote (') is not used. Entering hello returns hello, so symbols
are implicitly quoted.
Shen, copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mark Tarver, Shen 32
running under Common Lisp, implementation: SBCL
port 3.0 ported by Mark Tarver
(0-) hello
hello |
Each input is numbered starting with 0.
An input is repeated by typing !n where n is a natural number. Shen will print the
nth input of the session and evaluate it. Typing !s where s is any series of symbols,
will cause Shen to print and then evaluate the last input whose main function symbol
begins with s. % works as ! except that the previous input(s) are printed off without
being evaluated.
Shen, copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mark Tarver, Shen 19
running under Common Lisp, implementation: SBCL
port 1.9 ported by Mark Tarver
(0-) hello
(1-) (* 7 8)
(2-) !1
(* 7 8)
(3-) !*
(* 7 8)
(4-) %*
1. (* 7 8)
2. (* 7 8)
3. (* 7 8) |
Functions are applied in prefix form just like Lisp. Unlike Lisp, Shen is case-sensitive, so b and B
are not treated as the same. = is the general equality relation (unlike Lisp where it is used for only numbers).
Unlike Lisp, Shen uses true and false as booleans. ^ breaks off input.
(4-) (and true false)
(5-) (or true false)
(6-) (not true)
(7-) (if true a b)
(8-) (= 1 1)
(9-) (= f ^
line read aborted |
Shen permits currying, and also partial applications, which both generate closures.
(10-) ((* 7) 9)
(11-) (* 7)
#|FUNCTION :LAMBDA (#:Y18390) (multiply #:Y18389 #:Y18390)| |
In lambda calculus, the identity function is (λ x x). In Shen it is written (/. X X), and evaluates to a
closure. (/. X Y X) is acceptable shorthand for (λ x (λ y x)). In Shen an abstraction can always be used in place
of a function.
(12-) (/. X X)
(13-) ((/. X X) 9)
(14-) ((/. X Y Y) 6 7)
(15-) ((/. X Y (* X Y)) 6 7)
42 |
A list begins with a [ and ends with a ]. Spaces seperate items. cons, head and tail are standard. Note
that Shen includes an infix |that works as Prolog. [1 2 | [3]] = [1 2 3].
(16-) [1 2 3]
[1 2 3]
(17-) (= [1 (+ 1 1) 3] [1 2 3])
(18-) (head [1])
(19-) (tail [1])
(20-) (cons 1 [])
(21-) [1 2 | [3]]
[1 2 3] |
Suppose we have to define a function f that, if it receives 1 returns 0 and if it returns 0 returns 1.
In Shen this appears as a series of rewrite rules. If all rules fail an error is raised.
(22-) (define f
0 -> 1
1 -> 0)
(23-) (f 0)
(24-) (f 1)
(25-) (f 2)
partial function f;
track f? (y/n) |
Now lets look at an example using variables. We define factorial, this requires a variable, which in Shen
is any symbol beginning in uppercase.
(26-) (define factorial
0 -> 1
X -> (* X (factorial (- X 1))))
(27-) (factorial 6)
720 |
Here are two list processing functions in Shen; one that totals a list and the other that splits a lists
into triples.
(28-) (define total
[] -> 0
[X | Y] -> (+ X (total Y)))
(29-) (define triples
[] -> []
[W X Y | Z] -> [[W X Y] | (triples Z)])
(30-) (total [12 45 28])
(31-) (triples [1 2 3 4 5 6])
[[1 2 3] [4 5 6]] |
Patterns can be non-left linear; repeated variables require equality. Shen supports
(32-) (define id
X X -> true
_ _ -> false)
(33-) (id 4 4)
(34-) (define gter
X Y -> X where (> X Y)
X Y -> Y where (> Y X)
_ _ -> ?)
(35-) (gter 4 5)
(36-) (gter 14 5)
(37-) (gter 14 14)
? |
Here is foldl in Shen.
(38-) (define foldl
F Z [] -> Z
F Z [X | Y] -> (foldl F (F Z X) Y))
(39-) (foldl (fn +) 0 [1 2 3])
(40-) (foldl (fn +) 0 [1 2 3])
6 |
load will load a Shen program.
(41-) \* Here is a
multiline comment *\
\\ Here is a single line comment
(load "factorial.shen")
loaded |
So far Shen looks like an untyped language (e.g. like SASL). Actually Shen does have type checking, but you
have to switch it on. (tc +) does it. The + shows that you are now working in a statically typed environment.
Shen will typecheck everything that is loaded or entered into the image. Like ML, mixed lists will not now be
accepted. (tc -) switches the typechecker back off.
(42-) (tc +)
(43+) 123
123 : number
(44+) [1 a]
type error
(45+) (* 7)
# : (number --> number)
(45+) [1 2 3]
[1 2 3] : (list number) |
The pair <1,2> is represented as (@p 1 2) in Shen. The functions 'fst' and 'snd' select the first and second
elements of a pair. (@p 1 2 3) is just shorthand for (@p 1 (@p 2 3)).
(46+) (@p 1 2)
(@p 1 2) : (number * number)
(47+) (fst (@p 1 2))
1 : number
(48+) (snd (@p 1 2))
2 : number
(49+) (@p 1 2 3)
(@p 1 (@p 2 3)) : (number * (number * number)) |
Shen is like Hope in requiring explicit types to be attached to functions. It supports polymorphism and
variables are allowed in types. You can use @p in a pattern-directed manner in function definitions.
(50+) (define total
{(list number) --> number}
[] -> 0
[X | Y] -> (+ X (total Y)))
(fn total) : ((list number) --> number)
(51+) (define triples
{(list A) --> (list (list A))}
[] -> []
[W X Y | Z] -> [[W X Y] | (triples Z)])
(fn triples) : (list A) --> (list (list A))
(52+) (define swap
{(A * B) --> (B * A)}
(@p X Y) -> (@p Y X))
(fn swap) : ((A * B) --> (B * A)) |